Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hello 2010 it's nice to meet you

i have grown tired of blogging.
maybe someday i will start again. but for now it is farewell blog land.
this is the my last blog...........i think.....

Dear 2009,
i can't decide if i love or dislike you. so i will leave you with just saying goodbye.

Dear 2010,
i think i see love in our future. fantastic precious moments are ahead of me....i can feel it.

goals for twenty-ten

finally get 3 numbers to say what i want them read
pay off 2 more debts
wash my car more often
workout more often
vacation somewhere by plane
be aware of my vices and try to conquer them
start separating my laundry
be a better version of myself when we meet 2011

.....another year older and much much wiser

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