Sunday, December 26, 2010


i have decided to conquer my year long writers block by looking back to where i was a year ago. i set a few goals for myself. lets see how i did.

goals for twenty-ten

finally get 3 numbers to say what i want them read - Double Check!
pay off debts - Check
wash my car more often - Ha, I was kidding myself with this one
workout more often - I have learned to love my time at the gym. It's where I find a little peace in the chaos called life.
vacation somewhere by plane - Did not get to this one.
be aware of my vices and try to conquer them - Check on a few. Working on some others.
start separating my laundry - Not even close.
be a better version of myself when we meet 2011 - TRIPLE CHECK!

I said multiple times in 2010 'why does the universe hate me?' This was simply me forgetting for a moment that a broken cell phone, being laid off from a job i love, or a totaled vehicle is ridiculous to spend more than a moment ruffling my feathers. In between the little life lessons the universe thought I needed to learn I had a spectacular year. And if I would of known I would of set these goals for myself this past year.

get a gorgeous golden retriever and name him Carson
start a massive bathroom renovation
fall madly in love
own 3 different vehicles
remember action fix most problems
bleach my hair like crazy but never cut it

become even more aware of the love and dedication these two individuals share

i am back to blogging. wish me luck to stay with it.

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