My sister, sister-in-law, and best friend have all had a little one (or two) so you would think I would know a lot about pregnancy and babies. Well I know some....kinda....probably really nothing at all!
One thing I always wanted to know was what a baby felt like when it kicked. One time I asked Linzi if it felt cool and she replied "What do you think silly. Someone is kicking me!!"
So on to my mission to feeling a baby kick. When Sister was prego with her boys she said "get a good feel in this time because that is all you get." (personal space)
My sister, sister-in-law, and best friend have all had a little one (or two) so you would think I would know a lot about pregnancy and babies. Well I know some....kinda....probably really nothing at all!
One thing I always wanted to know was what a baby felt like when it kicked. One time I asked Linzi if it felt cool and she replied "What do you think silly. Someone is kicking me!!"
So on to my mission to feeling a baby kick. When Sister was prego with her boys she said "get a good feel in this time because that is all you get." (personal space)

My sis-in-law would always let me get one good hand-tummy hug in every visit. But I never sat with my hand on her bump.......that would of been weird.

Now this mom was bound and determined for me to feel one of her bambinos. She had me push and squish but never the less as soon as my hopeful hand was away WHAM kick to the liver. Now I can say this was probably my dear friend's sneaky way of trying to make Baby Fever come over me.
Sorry Linzi it did not work!

Then there is Peng.........

This tiny cat with the MASSIVE belly begs for you to put your hand on her bump and leave it there until she falls back asleep. Do you know what this means?!?!

I FINALLY felt my first baby move in a tummy!
Who cares it was a paw instead of a hand.
We think the kittens should be here any day. Peng has been locked inside the office the past few days for a couple of reasons. First so she has the babies inside and not in a pile of boulders. Then we will be able to get the kittens safely to a home. And most importantly this way after a month we can get Peng to the vet to have her taken care of and she wont go get herself knocked up again!

...our mouse trap by our other mouse trap....
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