Friday, January 7, 2011

I think....

...a glass of ice water made by someone else tastes better
...every lady should have backup of her favorite lip gloss
...all Christmas decorations should take themselves down
...batteries should be included
...every fridge should have fresh fruit and a box of wine
...everyone should have 3 written down goals meal is complete without a dash of salt
...something needs to be done about health care, i just do not know what
...the Harry Potter movies are better the second time watching
...a $125 hair cut should somehow magically make your roots not grow as fast or wash your car
...everything has a place and everything should be in it's place
...if someone gives poor customer service smile back at them, they are probably simply having a bad day
...the world would be a better place if everyone could take their pet to work
...a compliment from a stranger feels extra special's going to be a girl.....or a it will be a girl for sure.....boy?
The universe thought my sister's family was needing a 3rd rug-rat and gave them a mega surprise a few months ago. The end of June will be an exciting time! I am nervous for my sister since her hands are already more than full with these dudes.

Another nephew or niece to love?

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