i hurt too bad to even sleep.
now i feel like i am simply sick and need to take it easy. so i am off to the lake with my parents for some r&r. it was on my Fall To Do List to get to the lake so i am happily getting ready to get into their back seat for yet another nap to wake up at my happy place....lake tenkiller.

being sick alone sucks. it is terrible. my mom came over and spent a lot of time taking care of me but she still had a business to run, a husband to feed, and was getting over the flu herself. thank you mom for being wonderful.
but when my temperature read 102.5 and i was alone i put myself in the shower, had a good cry, felt sorry for myself and told myself when i got out of the shower the pity party was over and to snap out of it. i did just that by putting on fresh flannel pj's, snuggling with Otis, and a really cheesy lifetime movie.
now i am on the way to the lake with my parents and i know when i get back i will be feeling good and ready to take on the world!
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