now that i know what a job is i will state i would like to be a wave watcher when i grow up.
does anyone know how to make this career change possible?

photos curtsy of National Geographic Photo Contest
This is me documenting my life, my adventures & the little things I love in life.
when candy comes with the bill
being told you look like a good looking celebrity
comfortable silence
the last brush which pulls out the tangles
a good long much needed cry
when you find the right words
the sound of walking in snow
being told you did a good job
procrastinating but still pulling it off
celebration dances
the perfect song for the perfect moment
the first kiss
a child saying it loves you
complimenting a stranger
finding the perfect pair of shoes
succeeding on your first try
your favorite pair of underwear
snow days
not having to give a speech when you thought you were
kid food
a pregnant friend
when you realize your hiccups are gone
a fantastic sunset on the drive home from work
using your toes to pick something up
growing up with a big sister
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.