A customer today told me he came to the store before "years and years ago." I said "that's awesome, welcome back!" I didn't think i should tell him we have only been open 3.5 years. He then proceded to tell me that his trip in before changed his house hold forever. what?!? I was completely intrigued.
The customer told me how years and years ago he came into the store and met our family's 2 yellow labs, millie and logan. He was completely impressed by their manners and how gentle they both were. That very afternoon he received a phone call from a friend and was told that they had a dog who they rescued who was needing a home. My customer was not interested in getting a dog but asked what kind of dog anyway. His friend responded with "a yellow lab....." My customer said without even thinking "I will take it!"
It made me fill with so much pride that my furry family members were wonderful enough for someone to fall in love with them even after only a few moments. Millie and Logan had no idea their "saying hi" to one customer saved a dogs life and gave it a loving warm home.
Millie is still out at the store everyday spreading love with every little wiggle. Logan is now in our hearts. miss you our sweet logan.
Logan dog was an incredible pupdog and he taught Millie all the right stuff.